Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Peanut Butter Pumpkins

I have a love/hate relationship with Halloween. Growing up in the country, we didn't have many neighbors (and except for my grandparents who lived next door, the closest ones were miles away). When Halloween rolled around, we would get all gussied up and go trick-or-treating. Since all of our neighbors lived far far away, we'd have to make appointments for a candy stop and travel by car. My little brother and I never quite got the loot most of our school friends did!

As a grownup, I finally live in a neighborhood. Last year I got all ready for Halloween. I bought candy and turned on the porch light (the universal symbol for "come and get it"). Not one soul came by for my yummy treats...not even the kid across the street who I told to come over!

Well this year I have decided not to buy the bags of gumballs and tiny heath bars. I am boycotting Halloween. However, in the back of my mind I keep thinking that I will now become the house with the mean lady who doesn't like kids and I will end up with a yard full of rotten eggs. But just as soon as I buy those candy treats, no one will come.

That's my hate relationship with the "holiday". What I love, though, are Peanut Butter Pumpkins. They are quite a tasty treat and every Halloween (and Valentine's day and Easter and maybe Christmas?) I go to the drugstore to buy my seasonal allotment of giant Reese's cups! It is those lovely creations that make my entire winter tolerable.

So whether you love Halloween or despise it, go eat a pb pumpkin. It makes life better.


Bossy Bar-Wife said...

I couldn't agree with you more. Those things make life worth living.

jillskict said...

Luckily I have a salt tooth not a sweet tooth, so the candy could sit at my house until next halloween. I actually go to my sister's and pass out candy there so that she and her husband can take the kids out trick or treating. They have a great neighborhood though and I love her neighbors, so I have special barley beverage treats for the adults as they come by (or fermented grape juice, depending on your poison!)

Mayor of Crazytown said...

I loved Halloween as a kid so a couple of years ago I went to my Dads to sit on the porch and hand out candy- I was totally excited- and not one kid came. Whats crazy is kids were trick or treating in the neighborhood, but none came to my house....
And thank you- totally forgot about Reese's pumpkins!!